duration n. 1.持久,持续。 2.持续时间,存在时间;期间。 a disease of long duration 长时间的疾病。 holidays of three weeks' duration 三周的假期。 the duration of flight 【航空】续航时间。 a duration record 【航空】续航记录。 the duration of insurance [prescription] 保险[有效]期间。 the duration of day 日照长度。 the duration of life 生存期间。 of long [short] duration 长[短]期的。 for the D- 〔俚语〕战争未结束期间〔尤指第二次世界大战〕 (No vacations for the duration. 战时一切假期取消)。 adj. -al
3 activity duration estimating ? estimating the number of work periods which will be needed to complete individual activities 关系工期评估评估完成单个关系所需的工作时间的数量。
3 activity duration estimating ? estimating the number of work periods which will be needed to complete individual activities 关系工期评估评估完成单个关系所需的工作时间的数量。
4 schedule development ? analyzing activity sequences , activity durations , and resource requirements to create the project schedule 编制进度计划分析工序顺序、工序持续时间和资源需求。
The achievements achieved in the study are presented as follows : ( l ) to the distribution of construction duration of the pert network , even though every activity duration obeys normal distribution , it is failed to be proved to be in the obedience with normal distribution strictly . however , if there - are a lot of activities in a path of the pert network , for instance , more than 20 activities , without reference to the normal distributions - distribution or triangle distribution which activities duration obeys , the construction duration approximately obeys the normal distribution when the form of distribution is not partiality seriously 通过本文的研究取得的新成果有: ( 1 )对pert网络施工工期的分布,即使每一活动持续时间服从正态分布,也不能证明其严格服从正态分布,但当pert网络线路上的活动较多时,如超过20项,不论活动持续时间服从正态分布、分布,还是三角分布,当偏态不十分明显时,则工期近似服从正态分布。
By analyzing group of data , appropriate statistics , such as distribution and average of activity duration , distribution and average of project duration , etc were gained which can be used to determine a reasonable and executable schedule considering influence of random factors 运用这些模型在计算机上进行仿真试验,得到一组工作时间参数的样本值,通过对这组样本值的统计分析,得到在随机因素影响下工作持续时间的变化趋势和平均值、项目工期的变化趋势和平均值等参数值,从而为科学地进行进度管理提供依据。